The Boise Veterans Home has two Christmas Party's. One is called "Camouflage Christmas" which is sponsored by the Gowen National Guard - they buy three presents per resident. They deliver the presents a couple of days before the party, then come on a Thursday to help the residents open the presents, have a party, food etc. Gowen leadership is onsite to meet and greet residents.
The second Christmas Party focuses on family, residents and volunteers, to create an opportunity for families to engage in a traditional holiday program and for volunteers to engage in a non-working way with residents and hopefully meet their families to broaden the base of community/family engagement.
This second party is where they need some help since they have a very limited budget.
Idaho Gun Trader will be matching every donation, dollar-for-dollar, up to $500. We will also be covering all donation credit card processing fees so 100% of your donation goes directly to IVAL.
IVAL Christmas Party Donation Form
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